Teaching Excellence

  Facebook as teaching tool

How to go live on Facebook using a phone


¨ Open Facebook

¨ Tap on Live

¨ Tap to add a description

¨ Tap on To: (For a practice run choose Only me)

¨ Tag Friends

¨ Tap on Start Live Video

¨ When done Tap FINISH

¨ You can then choose to Download Video or you can tap on POST NOW


How to go live on Facebook using a PC


¨ Tap



¨ Select Audience  (When practice choose Only me)


¨ Select Use camera



¨ Choose the settings and Setup


¨ Tap



¨ Add a Title


¨ Tap Go Live


¨ To end: Tap End Live Video



¨ Tap End and then choose what to do with the video