Innovative Classrooms

According to Merriam Webster, innovation means introducing or using new ideas and methods. To have new ideas on how something can be done ( This website would like to introduce new ideas and techniques regarding teaching in the classroom.


New ideas and methods that teachers can use in the classroom have been obtained through input from experienced teachers. The best innovative ideas regarding teaching have also been obtained from various websites.


Teachers should implement innovative ideas to make the classroom experience enjoyable for students.


 1.  Use slideshow presentations


MS Power point


MS Powerpoint has long been used in classrooms. However, Powerpoint has many options to make the presentation interactive and interesting. The following can be done to make slideshows much more efficient.


Insert video

Insert sound

Insert a screen recording


2. The Use of Social media


Use WhatsApp for educational purposes


¨ Use the Group Chats feature to create learning and study groups.

¨ Create audio lessons that can be sent directly to students.

¨ Create video lessons

¨ Stay in contact with students outside the classroom.

¨ Send out problems or assignments to students even when they are not in class.

¨ Stay in contact with parents.

¨ Send pdf files with notes and summaries


  Easy steps to use WhatsApp   (Create study groups and use WhatsApp on your PC)




How to go live on Facebook using a phone

How to go live on Facebook using a PC


3. Video Lessons


How to use video’s in the classroom

Free Video editors

How to upload video’s to YOUTUBE


4. Google drive


Easy steps to use google drive in the classroom.  How to open a folder. How to get a link to share the folder.  How to upload files to the folder.  Anyone with the link can access the files in the folder.











Teaching Excellence

Each lesson a masterpiece