Hot tips for the classroom

Teaching Excellence

Each lesson a masterpiece

Write assignments on ice cream sticks. Place the ice cream sticks in a container. If the learner has finished, they can then take one of the sticks and carry out the assignment.




Book hospital. Ask the learners to put damaged books in a box. There is room for three books at a time. In the afternoon, the teacher can repair the books.



Learners communicate with the teacher using signs. For example, if the learner needs a pencil, the learner raises his hand and holds two fingers up.



Instructions on how learning takes place in the classroom. It involves group work, individual work, to work with a partner and work as a class.



To get the attention of learners.  The teacher says certain predetermined words, the learners answer in a specific way.



I wish my teacher knew.  Pupils write what they want the teacher to know on a sticky note and then throw it in a box.