Technology in theclassroom

Teaching Excellence



 Plickers is a  way to collect instant multiple-choice responses from students, without  clickers, computers, or tablets.  Plickers is an assessment tool  to check student understanding without the  use of devices or paper and pencil.


Easy steps to set up Plickers


Video Tutorial :  Plickers


How to use Plickers in the classroom


Google forms

What can you use Google forms for?

¨ Questionnaire / Online test

¨ Educator participation in management

¨ Educator report

¨ Learner feedback

¨ Parent feedback

¨ Whole School Development

¨ HOD report


How to set an online test                     Video : How to use Google forms






Easy steps to use Socrative in the classroom



Socrative is a cloud-based student response system. It allows teachers to create simple quizzes that students can take quickly on laptops – or, more often, via classroom tablet computers or their own smartphones.


I used Socrative for Geography Grade 12 classes.  I set up a test for each topic. After a topic was covered, the learners wrote the test on their smartphones.  The questions were compiled using previous years' final examination papers.



Class dojo


Class Dojo is used to manage behaviour in the classroom.  Each student has a profile. Teachers can assign positive and negative points (or 'dojos') throughout the lesson.  Class  Dojo can be used as a school communication platform for teachers, students, and parents.   The management of classroom behaviour can be a lot of fun with Class Dojo



        Easy steps to create a Class Dojo                     Class Dojo help desk


       Getting Started —Video                                           



What else can you do with Class Dojo?





Each lesson a masterpiece

Text Box: The use of technology can make lessons enjoyable, increase learners involvement in lessons and help them remember better what they have learned. The technology used in the classroom involves hardware, software, and website-driven applications

Website-driven Applications