Teaching Excellence

Step 1   Sign UP

1.  Go to the plickers website   https://www.plickers.com

2. Choose   ——> Sign UP for free.

3. You can sign UP by using your Google account.

Step 2     Add a class

1. Sign in

2. Click on

3. Enter class name.  Example:  English Grade 8

3. Click on  

3. Add students.  The easiest way is to copy and paste learners names and surnames from an EXCEL spreadsheet.  It can also be copied from a M'S word class list.

4. Click on Next

5. Click on Done

6. Click on the created class.  Example:  English Grade 8

7. Click on Go to Students

8. Print Class Roster.  Learners are numbered.  Learners receive a plickers

        card with the corresponding number.


Step 3:  Print Plickers cards

1. Sign in

2. Click on help

3. Click on Get Plickers Cards

4. Print Cards

Step 4    Design a set of multiple-choice questions

1. Click on  

¨ Your Library

¨ New Set

2. Type in a name at Untitled Set


2. Type the question at  Click here to edit question

3. Type in multiple choices.  Indicate the correct choice.

4. Click on the + to go to the next question.

Step 5   Download the application on your mobile device

1.  Go to Play Store

2. Search Plickers

3. Install Plickers

4. Open the application

5. Lock in with your Google account











Plickers is a  way to collect instant multiple-choice responses from students, without clickers, computers, or tablets.  Plickers is an assessment tool  to check student understanding without the use of devices or paper and pencil.

pLICKERS– Easy Steps